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Friday 8 April 2016


Hello good reader.
Setelah sekian lama saya tidak blogging, akhirnya hari ini terinspirasi untuk share tentang satu software.
Keinginan saya untuk share tentang blok ini beranjak dari kejadian di kantor hari ini yang banyak hikahnya untuk siambil. Ok, langsung saja kita ulas, Chek it out.

Modul Entry Manifes

Software ini baru saya kenal sejak saya mulai bekerja di salah satu perusahaan Freight Forwarder di Jakarta.
Ya. Karena software ini memang diperuntukkan untuk perusahaan Freigh Forwarder dalam rangka menyiapkan Dokumen Manifes baik Inward maupun Outward untuk kemudian diserahkan kepada Shipping Line untuk dilaporkan ke Bea dan Cukai. 

Software ini dapat didownload di Sebagai situs resmi EDI INDONESIA. atau klik


Sepengalaman saya dalam menggunakan software ini, sebenarnya sangat sederhana.

Namun butuh ketelitian penuh dalam pengisiannya karena hal ini menyangkut kebenaran data yang ada masuk ke dalam sistem Bea Cukai nantinya

Monday 25 January 2016


Apa Itu Freight Forwarder?

Freight Forwarder adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang keagenan yang mengurusi pengiriman dan penerimaan barang Export dan Import. Freight Forwarder ini bisa dikatakan sebagai agent Shipping Agent / Carrier.

Apa yang ditawarkan Freight Forwarder kepada kita?. Mereka menawarkan jasa pengiriman / penerimaan cargo baik untuk export maupun import, dengan menggunakan service udara atau laut dengan berbagai variasi harga dan service pelayanan. Artinya, servive pengiriman yang ditawarkan oleh Freight Forwarder itu jauh lebih bervariasi daripada Shipping Agent. Koq bisa?...

Begini, Freight Forwarder itu memiliki banyak kerjasama dengan para Shipping Agent, mereka memiliki kontrak kerja dengan para Shipping Agent. Oleh karena itu, sangatlah wajar jika Freight Forwarder dapat memberikan variasi penawaran harga dan schedule kapal/pesawat yang berbeda-beda kepada customer-nya.

Freight Forwarder juga menerbitkan Bill Of Lading sendiri. Lalu apakah setiap Freight Forwarder itu memiliki kantor cabang di seluruh penjuru dunia?. Jika Freight Forwarder itu adalah sebuah perusahaan, maka barang tentu mereka akan membuka kantor cabang di setiap kota-kota pelabuhan di penjuru dunia. Hanya saja, sangat jarang perusahaan forwarder yang berskala besar. Paling besar, mereka hanya memiliki perwakilan kantor cabang mereka di beberapa Kota besar di Negara Besar saja.

Lalu, bagaimana cara mereka kerjanya?. Freight Forwarder juga memiliki kerjasama dengan agent yang bergerak di bidang yang sama di luar negeri. Jadi misalnya kita pake jasa freight forwarder        PT. GAP LOGISTICS di Jakarta, maka agent yang nantinya akan mengurusi cargo kiriman kita di USA adalah KWIC SHIPPING LINE. Kenapa bisa begini, karena PT. GAP LOGISTICS memiliki kerjasama dengan agent di USA yang bernama KWIC SHIPPING LINE.

Gimana jika saya mau kirim cargo ke CHINA apakah agent disana juga sama?. Ya belum tentu juga, bisa jadi PT. GAP LOGISTICS bekerjasama dengan agent di CHINA  yang bernama SHANGHAI OCEANUS

Intinya...Freight Forwarder bidang kerjanya hampir sama dengan Shipping Agent. Pada postingan lain, akan dibahas perbandingan Shipping Agent dan Freight Forwarder.

Monday 29 December 2014

Department of Mathematic In Turkey

Mathematics is one of the world's oldest and most common sciences. It is considered to be a branch of science hard to learn because it often requires thinking in fully abstract concepts. In fact, mathematics should not be seen as a branch of science because mathematics is a language; we accept it as a science to make it easily understood. Same as Turkish and English, mathematics is a language that has symbols, connectors, letters, words, and sentences. We can write and talk with the language that we use in common sense; mathematics serves the sentences that we form by bringing symbols together to the other sciences as a meaningful whole. We use Turkish in physics, chemistry, biology, statistics, astronomy, engineering, medicine, architecture, economics, science, and in a similar way the language of mathematics is used in many branches of science. In addition, music is a miraculous art that makes use of mathematical language. In fact, musical terms such as octave and beats come from mathematics.

Mathematics has been a valued branch of science throughout the ages. We believe the famous sentence "Ageometretos medeis eisito!" that Plato wrote in the entrance of his academy means "Those who don't know Geometry cannot enter here!". In fact, this sentence means "Those who can't grasp what is Mathematical cannot enter". So, everything that is happening in the universe is valuable to the extent that it is understood with a mathematical comprehension. In this respect, Mathematics and philosophy are like brothers. Many of the philosophers are mathematicians or know math very well. Leibniz is a great philosopher and also an important mathematician who made very important discoveries.

Why the Department of Mathematics in Turkey?

Turkish universities, which trained many esteemed scientists with the support of the cultural and scientific heritage that they had, has also trained mathematicians who had a voice in the world in the discipline of mathematics. Cahit Arf has made important discoveries with the "Arf Invariant" and "Arf rings" concepts that have entered into the literature. Cem Yalçın Yıldırım has a respectable reputation in the world with his work on the twin prime numbers. On the other hand, Ali Nesin works for the popularization of mathematics in Turkey with the Mathematics Village that he established and works towards the training of good mathematicians. Additionally, he also publishes articles of the Turkish mathematicians in the journal of The World of Mathematics.

Mathematical education in the universities of our country is of high quality and of global standards, especially when considering the contributions of Cahit Arf's heritage, Ali Nesin, Cem Yalçın Yıldırım and many valuable current mathematicians. The master's and doctoral programs invite graduates with Bachelor's degree in mathematics who want to specialize in Mathematics and make a contribution to mathematical research. Students can qualify for a master's or doctoral education after passing one foreign language proficiency exam (Foreign Language Exam-YDS, TOEFL, IELTS or foreign language proficiency exams that universities opened) and ALES-Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam, which is followed by the interviews universities hold.

Mathematics Education

Departments of Mathematics are present in almost all of our universities. These departments are found in both the state universities and private universities with many professors doing scientific research and collecting rewards.

Several major scientific branches of the discipline of mathematics are as follows: Analysis and Functions Theory, Algebra and Number Theory, Geometry, Topology (Cluster Formation in the Universe, Spaces), Applied Mathematics, Calculus (Fundamentals of Mathematics), Cryptography (Encryption Sciences), and Mathematical Logic.

Qualifications Required of Students and Job Opportunities

When we look at the overall profile of mathematics students, we see that the vast majority consciously choose mathematics because students who decide to study mathematics want to learn a new language and a new way of thinking. They will think in numbers by entering into a completely abstract world and, ultimately, will try to understand that everything, from largest organisms in the universe down to the smallest, has a mathematical systematic. Alternatively, as indicated by Plato, they will try to "comprehend" with the ability to think analytically that they acquire. Only a student who wants to engage in mathematics will be able to enter the world of this different and interesting discipline. In short, a student who wishes to study mathematics should love math and work patiently to open the doors that mathematical language will bring along. Therefore, the three needed requirements to study in this department can be listed as patience, love of mathematics, and practice.

Graduates of Department of Mathematics can engage in academic studies and can work in a lot of careers in the private sector and public sector. In general, individuals who receive mathematics education can find jobs in almost every field and, especially, become successful in organizational and managerial jobs because of the ability to think analytically that they gain. A good mathematician can also be a good programmer. In addition, they can carry out critical tasks in the field of cryptography (encryption science) in military units. Banking, finance, and statistical agencies look for and employ graduates trained in mathematics. Graduates of Mathematics who complete pedagogical formation can work as a math teacher.
on sciences. It is considered to be a branch of science hard to learn because it often requires thinking in fully abstract concepts. In fact, mathematics should not be seen as a branch of science because mathematics is a language; we accept it as a science to make it easily understood. Same as Turkish and English, mathematics is a language that has symbols, connectors, letters, words, and sentences. We can write and talk with the language that we use in common sense; mathematics serves the sentences that we form by bringing symbols together to the other sciences as a meaningful whole. We use Turkish in physics, chemistry, biology, statistics, astronomy, engineering, medicine, architecture, economics, science, and in a similar way the language of mathematics is used in many branches of science. In addition, music is a miraculous art that makes use of mathematical language. In fact, musical terms such as octave and beats come from mathematics.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Belajar Webs

What is ""?

Saturday 29 November 2014


Ketika tempilan desktop hitam dan tidak bisa diganti background pasti akan mengganggu penampilan dan kurang enak dilihat seperi ini:

Saat memasuki Windows muncul jendela seperti ini :

Hal ini dikarenakan  Windows yang dipakai tidak genuine atau palsu. Cara mengatasinya sangat mudah. cukup dengan menginstal software RemoveWAT 2.2.6. 
Cukup dengan menginstalnya maka tampilan Windows akan tampil apik kembali :)


Tuesday 16 September 2014

A piece of our life

ha guys.. "KEREN" kata itu yang pertama terlontar setelah kumembaca catatan si kakak hari ini. Dia mencoba menuliskan sepotong kisah hidup barunya yang dieangkai dengan kata-kata dan majas yang cukup indah, bak membaca potongan novel. Dia memberi judul

"Letter #1: A piece of our life". 

 Si kakak emang jago bener dalam menulis, tak heran kalau dia pernah berkecimpung dalam departemen Asy-Syifa. Diawali dengan kata-kata puitis hasil saduran sebuah buku. Isinya begitu indah dan dilanjutkan dengan kaitan atas cerita hidupnya.

Terinspirasi ni buat ngikutin jejak si kakak dan menunggu potongan cerita lainnya :)

Salam Super buat si kakak :)

Ini ni.. potongan ceritanya : "Letter#1:A piece of our life"

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Inspirasi dan Motivasi

Malam dini hari, jam dinding kamarku menunjuk tepat pukul 02.30. Aku masih belum memejamkan mata. Padahal suhu yang cukup dingin dan aktivitas yang cukup padat hari ini dapat melelapkanku sekejap mata dalam empuknya tempat tidur. Bermula dari iseng buka kembali akun facebook yang terbilang jarang kubuka. Melihat beberapa situs teman dengan terus menarik scroll komputer hingga berhenti di akun salah seorang kakak kelas di Lembaga Dakwah Kampus. Kakak yang satu ini memang cukup inspiratif (menurutku). Ya bukan tanpa alasa, buktinya saja aku merasa seperti ada daya tarik untuk mengubek-ubek profilnya. Melihat kesibukan dan beberapa catatannya yang cukup inspiratif. 

Benar saja, ketika kumelihat profilnya terposting cukup banyak foto dan catatan mengenai studi S2 nya di India. India???? negara yang terkenal crowded namun begitu asyik rasanya. Bukan hanya rekaman jalan-jalanya mengelilingi beberapa kota di negara Hindi itu, namun beberapa catatannya mengenai studi S2, ilmu agama, motivasi sampai curconya, semuanya terasa menarik seperti ada magnet besar yang mnarik mata untuk terus membaca.

Beberapa foto hsil jepretannya sangat bagus (kebetulan saya cukup tertarik dengan dunia fotografer, walaupun gak pinter2 aman :D)....

Scroll mouse di tangan  kananku terus bergulir ke bawah hingga kutemukan alamat blognya. Ternyata si kakak hobi menulis. Sebenarnya gak heran sih,... he...he... karena tidak sedikit ia menuliskan kata-kata bermajas, entah dia bua sendiri atau copy dari suatu artikel. Namun aku tahu mahasiswi jurusan Kimia ini memliki selera sastra yang tinggi.

Thanks Kakak. Semoga Allah memberikan rahmat dan kebahagian padamu.

O ya, ini blognya si Kakak . Check itu out  !